Link Building to Rank Your Website
Search Engine Optimization Link Building Tips For Marketing Purposes
A website will not be successful if people cannot find it. Search engine optimization is a fantastic way to get people to pay attention to a website. To make SEO work for you, link building is the most efficient way to rank your website. Take a look below for tips about link building.
What Is SEO Link Building?
The way a search engine works is that it uses an algorithm to rank a website. The Google search engine guide shows that the algorithm has a lot of different variables that are in play, and if you can meet the right conditions you will rise above the competition. It’s better for a website to have links pointing to it across the web on other popular websites that the search engine has already ranked in high positions. Whether external websites are linking to you because of you asking them or due to you having a quality page in general, it will serve you well.
Search giants like Google are not going to divulge what their algorithm looks exactly. Still, Google built its search engine on the fact that if other people like a page and share it, you’ll want to see it as well. People don’t tend to add links to popular sites if they aren’t good quality. There are different ways that your page is ranked that may not be clear and that’s why it’s a must to be careful. There will be updates done to search engines that could change your ranking and only by doing some research can you keep up enough to fix your website and maintain it’s ranking.
Some Basic Link Building Methods
Email someone with a website and see if they can add your link to a page. One way to talk your way into getting your page posted is to offer to write a guest post for them. For example, you can create an article for this other website and, typically, in the author section they allow you to say, “Alex Furfaro is the owner of Alex Furfaro SEO Consulting at,” giving you credit for writing the article and linking back to your website. In some cases, you may want to trade by letting them make a post on your website as well if the content is relevant to your business.
Another way to get links is finding links on other websites that are broken. Google’s algorithm dislikes 404 errors and broken links so replying to a webmaster that a link is broken on their site is good for their website and is a kind gesture. If the link to that website no longer exists and you are in the same niche and have written a similar post, kindly as for them to replace the broken link with a link to your website. It is really a win-win situation for both parties.
Do what you can to keep people from posting spam links on your website. You need to check out anything that is posted if you plan to leave it up, including things like comments. There are ways to avoid being associated with spam, like through using a no-follow attribute on website comments. You can also add plugins to your WordPress site like Akismet to help fight spam. This plugin is one of many that will protect your site from spam comments that abuse the system. Try to get more and more people with legitimate websites to link to you if you want to stay on top of these things. Some experts say that your rankings will increase if you can get people to link to you on social media, too.
Beware of Outdated Linking Methods
There are methods that used to work that no longer do because Google constantly updates its algorithm. If you want to use any kind of link building tips you’ve found, you need to look at the date they were posted on the source you are reading. A technique used to exist that let you get a link on a web directory if you put their link on your pages. Google used to say that this was a good way to get better results but have since changed their mind. You never know when Google will update it’s algorithm to any SEO practices and that’s why you need to keep an eye on search engine news just in case updates are on their way. Make sure you follow me on Twitter or Facebook and subscribe to my newsletter to get notified when I post about only the most updates.
Are You Building Business Relationships?
Reaching out to people in your field of expertise can lead to profitable relationships. Don’t be afraid to contact others to see if they can post links or offer guidance. Your industry has different people in it already that have more experience than you. If you can work together with them instead of against them, it could lead to you both making more money. Even if not, at least you tried and you know where you stand when having to work with another company in the near future.
Have web pages that are actually worth looking at. If your links start to become associated with terrible content, eventually it can cause nobody to want to have anything to do with them. However, if you have links that people consistently share and go to that are actively being searched for, you’re going to get positive attention. Some people think working hard is better than working smart, but sometimes you have to use both ways. Why wouldn’t people share something that inspired or entertained them over something they clicked on that felt like a waste of their time?
Link building is an effective way to increase your search engine rankings. When they see that you have a more popular website that other people enjoy sharing, it makes yours do better. Use the SEO tips from above and you’ll have a much more popular website in the near future.