SEO Project – Root Insurance

Root Insurance logo

In late 2018 we were contracted as a 3rd party consultant to work with Root Insurance on their website and how to improve it from an SEO perspective. At the time, Root was only in 3 states – Ohio, Pennsylvania and Arizona, but were soon to be moving into Illinois, Texas, and Utah. The primary items we were tasked with doing were:

  1. Optimize current service pages
  2. Optimize current blog posts
  3. Plan future content – static service pages for the new states they were moving into and blog posts

During our research and reviewing competitors, we noticed that there were thousands of keywords with “city + insurance,” with the cities being the biggest cities in the respective states.

At the time, Root only had 3 “state” pages where they were currently licensed and our recommendation was to get more granular and target individual cities because of how many keywords were available, and from a user perspective, if somebody is looking for insurance, they are likely looking for someone more local, in which they’d search their city name instead of the state.

We also found that many people were searching for keywords like “car brand + insurance” or “insurance for jeeps,” for example. And lastly, a big set of question we identified were about “what happens after an accident” or “what if I hit a deer” types of keywords.


Again, we were only brought in for a short few months on this project for more of a “research phase” but all of this keyword research led to dozens of pages to be created for individual cities, pages for every car brand + insurance, and blog pages with specific questions relating to deer, airbags,  and more.

Root city insurance keywords