SEO Project – New Direction Substance & Behavioral Services

New Directions Substance and Behavioral Services logo

We were contacted by Brian Davis of NDSBS in October of 2017 as he wanted to bring in more customers to his assessment business. What initially started out as a local business became more national so he need to reach a wider audience. This was a “co-build” project so both the client and I were working simultaneously to help reduce the client’s expenses. This client also had a developer working with us as well as this website was built in Drupal, a difficult CMS to work in that can be very developer-heavy.

In our initial SEO review, we identified many deficiencies which included:

  • missing, duplicate, and lack of keywords used in meta titles and descriptions
  • lack of use of H-tag headings on various pages
  • very long paragraphs with tiny text that were presumably ‘skipped over’ by readers
  • incorrect directory backlinks
  • lack of content on his assessment pages and gaps in types of assessments
  • lack of blog post optimization
  • very slow website and large images

Over the next 4 months of working with Brian, we addressed all of the deficiencies above, we gave recommendations for increasing conversion elements, and gave outlines for content creation where the experts (him and his team) could easily write the content with the provided outlines.

With fundamental guidelines established and SEO processes now in place within his company, our short-term work ended while his team continued to build. With such a short project, we never really saw the fruits of our labor but we gave the company the building blocks to succeed. Outside of a developer issue that they had in August of 2018 which hurt the site for a 2-month period, the site grew from about ~1000 visits a month during my initial conversation with Brian in October 2017 to over 5,000 visits in May 2019, averaging between 2500-3500 visits over the last few years.


This project became so successful for Brian that he was approached by another company and they purchased this assessment business from him with a multiple six-figure exit, largely due to the success of the website.